By Tina Hagen
Dear Friend,
But first, let me introduce myself. My name is Tina Hagen. I am a health researcher and an independent consultant in the fields of tiredness and fatigue. In my line of work, I have seen many people suffering from chronic tiredness. Over the years, I have learned more and more about this condition – the way it affects people’s lives, health and even relationships.
Before we go on, let's make one thing absolutely clear. If you are looking for energy pills or stimulants, you’ve come to the wrong place. That’s not what I’m going to recommend to you. Even though many of these pills are harmless, others can have severe side effects. Their other negative side is that they cover up the symptoms of tiredness, but they don’t do anything about the condition itself. In the long run, they always prove to be completely ineffective. I am also not going to tell you to sleep more or to drink more coffee. This will not solve your problem. What I am going to do, is show you a safe and permanent way of eliminating tiredness from your life. The first thing you need to understand is this: tiredness must be treated and treatment is always the same: first you need to discover why you feel tired and then you have to do something about it - don't focus on the symptoms; eliminate the causes of tiredness from your life.
To put it as simply as possible:
treat the condition – not the symptoms! In my practice, I have observed that many people simply get used to being constantly tired. They are not prepared to put any effort whatsoever in curing their condition. But even if you think that tiredness is harmless, research shows that this is not the case. Not only does it lower the quality of your life, but it can also severely damage your health.
I’ve always closely followed the scientific studies regarding tiredness and fatigue. And slowly, throughout the years and with the extensive help of my clients, I was able to translate theoretical knowledge into practice. I've created a number of simple, effective techniques that can be used to fight tiredness. In the last seven years, I've used these tecniques to help numerous people overcome their problems with tiredness. Then one day, my friend Peter, a former tiredness sufferer, suggested that I put my knowledge to the paper. Together (he is a writer) we have described my techniques in a form of an easy, step-by-step program that everybody can use for themselves. But I have to tell you the truth; I was a bit sceptical at first. I knew that I could help people when I saw them face to face. But helping someone I didn't even meet is a whole different matter. So, we have decided to test the program. Since we needed volunteers, we put an ad in the local paper, looking for people who had problems with tiredness. Because we wanted to see if this will work for everyone, we accepted everybody who has answered the ad.
And the results...
In the first two weeks: • 98% of volunteers reported an increase in their energy levels • 90% said they have no troubles getting up in the morning (at the beginning of the study a staggering 94% said that they have troubles getting out of bed in the morning) • 72% said they feel healthier • 87% said that they are able to think more clearly After one month: • Volunteers slept (on average) 1 hour and 28 minutes less than before • 96% of volunteers said that they no longer have any problems with tiredness!
*(A study group consisted of 53 volunteers - they all reported having troubles with tiredness before the beginning of a study.)
We were both trilled by these results. Clearly, the program works. But, let’s make one thing clear.
Will this knowledge allow everybody to stop feeling tired – once and for all?
Sadly, the answer is "No"… While this will work for a great majority of people, some individuals are feeling tired because of a medical condition. To put it another way: if the End Tiredness Program isn’t working for you, you need to schedule an appointment with your doctor. But don’t worry. Our tests have proven that the End Tiredness Program works for 96% of people – so it will probably work for you too. We will show you how you can get this valuable information. Through it you will learn what you’re doing wrong, what’s causing your tiredness and how you can eliminate it – for good. But first, let’s take a look at what you need to know.
Here’s what you will learn…
So, how does it all work…
End Tiredness Program is based upon simple techniques. You will: 1. Learn the information It really is that easy. That is why every day more and more people are choosing the End Tiredness Program as their way to fighting tiredness. Let’s see what they have to say…
What will the End Tiredness Program do for YOU?
That's right! You could probably sleep a couple of hours less than now and still never get tired.
But, the Program will do even more...
So, you want to start fighting tiredness today? Here is how…
You can get your own copy of End Tiredness Program in just a couple of minutes. The program comes in an e-book format. That means that you can easily download it to your computer. You won't have to pay for shipping or handling. If you have never downloaded an e-book before, don’t worry; we will take you through it step-by-step.
*(the program comes in .pdf format, so that it can be read on any computer)
About the price
The End Tiredness Program is priced at $47. We know this may seem like a lot of money for some of you, but you should understand that we are not some big multinational firm and because of our costs we cannot afford to sell it any cheaper. The truth is, this program works and it’s the only one of its kind - you won't find this information anywhere else. Wouldn’t you pay $47 to regain the control over your life? You probably spend more than that each month just on coffee.
Can we guarantee that this will work for you?
The last thing we want to do is take advantage of you. That is why we agreed upon this:
We offer this guarantee for a full 8 weeks (56 days) – don’t worry, you will see that the program works much sooner than that.
Order now and you will also get these bonuses (free of charge):
1. Unlimited Expert Support You won't have to go through the program alone. Both Peter and I will be there to answer any questions or concerns you might have. We will take you through it step-by-step.
In short - why are more and more people choosing our program as their way of fighting tiredness?
We really believe that this information will enable you to eliminate tiredness once and for all. Many before you were able to change their lives to the better and we hope you will become the next ‘success story’. You can click here to get your own copy of the End Tiredness Program. Yours Truly, |