Leaky Gut Syndrome Can Play a Powerful Role in Your Fatigue

For many of the millions of people around the world who suffer from conditions like chronic fatigue syndrome, the cause of the ailment can often be a mystery. New research suggests, however, that many of those cases may have some relation to a bowel condition known as leaky gut syndrome.

While it might seem odd that the guts could play such a powerful role in something like fatigue, the truth is that your digestive system and bowels can have a dramatic impact on your overall bodily health. To understand how this syndrome can impact your health, you need to learn what it is, how it can make you fatigued, and what you can do to correct the situation.

What is Leaky Gut Syndrome?

In normal circumstances, the lining in your gut serves as a shield to separate your gut from the outside world. When the intestinal wall is weakened due to antibiotics, or repeated digestion of certain types of foods and drinks that we are not designed to process, it loses its ability to serve as an effective barrier. That creates an increase in intestinal permeability that allows things that the body recognizes as foreign compounds to escape the small intestine and enter the bloodstream. Yes, the gut really leaks!

How Does Leaky Gut Syndrome Make You Fatigued?

When that protective barrier is unable to do its job, the introduction of foreign particles into the bloodstream provokes the body’s natural autoimmune response against perceived invaders. Those toxic compounds can also enter the liver, where they can overstress that organ’s processing capacity and cause it to fail in its job of detoxifying the blood.

As the toxins continue to leak, the immune system forces a reaction from the adrenal glands. Since those glands are designed for short-term response to stressors, the long-term, ongoing nature of the leak can slowly place increasing levels of burden on the adrenals. This can lead to a reduction in their ability to properly respond to the infections that arise as these toxins run rampant through the body.

So, while cortisol levels do rise at the start of this crisis, the ongoing assault on the adrenal glands slows the production of that vital hormone. This eventually results in a diminished level of production, and cortisol levels plummet. At that point, exhaustion sets in.

To complicate the issue even further, the disruption of the digestive and adrenal systems also results in an inability to properly and fully process and absorb the nutrients and vitamins the body needs. That disrupts body chemistry, magnifying the effects of fatigue.

What Treatments Can Help?

A proper diagnosis of leaky gut usually involves measuring the levels of Candida in the intestines, and monitoring digestive function. Doctors also try to identify specific food allergies that may be contributing to the symptoms that are presenting themselves at the time. There are also tests that can be conducted to identify the degree to which the intestinal wall has become permeable.

Once the condition has been properly identified, the next step is to work on developing a recovery plan that can help the patient to heal that intestinal barrier and restore proper function in his systems. This treatment is focused on several areas of concern:

Diet and Supplements

Dietary changes and the removal of potential dietary irritants are critical. Allowing allergens to remain in the diet would only serve to guarantee either a continuation of the syndrome, or its recurrence. To properly heal, patients have to adhere to a strict dietary regimen designed to reduce stress on that intestinal wall and prevent additional inflammation.

Probiotics and other beneficial supplements must be administered to help deal with any Candida concerns. Parasites and harmful bacteria have to be dealt with at their source if the intestinal lining is to heal as it should. While some patients believe that diet is enough to manage this part of the process, the fact is that they will need helpful bacteria to counteract the harmful bacteria that have taken root.

Once the diet is established and irritants are removed from the equation, the gut will begin to heal. At this point, however, the process can be assisted with the use of supplements such as Ginkgo, aloe vera, various antioxidants, and essential fatty acids. All of these compounds have proven effective in helping to hasten the healing of the intestines.

Perhaps the most frustrating aspect of this syndrome is that there are so many things that can cause it: allergens, heavy alcohol consumption, stress, antibiotics, and a high rate of sugar consumption are just a few of the many factors that can result in a leaky gut. Thankfully, a quick diagnosis of the problem and strict adherence to the prescribed dietary and supplement regimen can help most patients to enjoy a full recovery and be free of the fatigue and other syndromes in anywhere from three to nine months.

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